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construction  fire safety systems

Fire Safety Installations

Fire Safety Installations

Anadrasi,undertakes Fire Safety Installations of all types and is one of the most reliable and experienced technical companies in the field of Fire Safety Installations since 1986, offering integrated services (planning, construction, equipment supply, technical support, maintenance) for Fire Safety installations of all kinds, (fire detection, explosive gas detection, firefighting systems) in buildings of all kinds (commercial buildings, industry, hotel, catering and health stores, wholesale and logistics warehouse, office buildings, sport facilities, crafts and workshops, entertainment centers, cafes, restaurants, taverns, steakhouse, grills, steak houses, pizzerias, supermarkets, department stores, schools, tutoring centers, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, nursing homes, public gathering places, theaters, cinemas, etc.) fully organized and excellent Specialized Department of Construction of Electromechanical Installations consisting of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers with many years of experience as well as experienced and excellently trained and organized technicians (plumbers, electricians, etc.) which have the most modern equipment and tools.

Anadrasi, based on its many years of experience since 1986 in the field of Fire Safety installations and in combination with the continuous information and training of its Engineers and Technicians in new modern and advanced techniques and methods as well as with significant investments that are constantly made in mechanical equipment and tools, can offer Fire Safety Facilities that fully meet the requirements and needs of each building and can really make a difference by fully ensuring the increased requirements of this type of installation (safety, smooth operation without damage, durability, ease of maintenance etc.).

Fire Safety Installations are the most important security factor of a building or a business and by extension of the property itself. A fire safety installation is not just a standard installation that must be constructed solely by obligation in order to issue a standard fire safety certificate. After all, many buildings or businesses that had both fire safety facilities and standard fire service paper have been destroyed by fire and the main reason was that they were not properly designed and constructed.

Fire Safety Installations are serious mechanical applications that are governed by strict legislation and their construction requires special knowledge and extensive experience, especially when it comes to fire detection and explosive gas detection systems as well as permanent fire extinguishing systems.

Anadrasi,has proven the know-how of Fire Safety Installations which stems from its many years of experience as it has been active in this field for over 35 years having demonstrated a significant number of Fire Safety Facilities in both commercial and industrial buildings, which enables it can be guaranteed for the construction of a technically sound fire safety installation.

Anadrasi, constructs Fire Safety Installations that concern all known types of installations and in particular:

Simple Fire Extinguishing Systems with :

Dry Powder Extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
Ceiling Dry Powder Extinguishers
Wet Chemical Extinguishers
Trolley Dry Powder Extinguishers
Fire Cabinets with 1/2 plastic pipe for connection to the public water supply networkFor low-risk buildings and small industries.

dry powder extinguishers
Dry Powder Extinguishers: Click this image to zoom
carbon dioxide extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher: Click this image to zoom
ceiling dry powder extinguishers
Ceiling Dry Powder Extinguishers: Click this image to zoom
wet chemical extinguishers
Wet ChemicalExtinguishers: Click this image to zoom
trolley dry powder extinguishers
Trolley Dry Powder Extinguishers: Click this image to zoom
small fire cabinets
Small Fire Cabinets with 1/2 plastic pipe: Click this image to zoom

Conventional Fire Detection Systems

Conventional Fire Detection Systems with conventional fire detectors (smoke, beam, thermal differential, thermal), conventional fire detection panel, buttons, sirens, light sirens, electromagnets for fire doors, megaphone fire detection system, etc.)

The main feature of conventional fire detection systems is that the detectors of all kinds as well as the buttons are distributed in detection zones and in case of fire detection the alarm indications on the fire detection panel refer to the detection zone that belongs and not to the detector itself. Consequently with a conventional fire detection system it is not possible to determine with absolute accuracy the point where the fire occurred except the wider area of the incident. For this reason, during the study phase, the detectors must be properly grouped in zones so that they cover the same area or at least neighboring areas.

Conventional systems are the most common for small and medium business and industrial spaces but even for large open spaces where there is ease of visual contact throughout the space from anywhere within it. For large spaces with many apartments it is advisable to choose the solution of the addressable fire alarm system.

fire detection systems installations
Fire Detection Panel: Click this image to zoom
smoke detector
Smoke Detector: Click this image to zoom
fire detection systems
Fire Detection Systems: Click this image to zoom
smoke detectors
Smoke Detectors: Click this image to zoom

Addressable Fire Detection Systems

Addressable fire alarm systems with addressable fire detectors (visible smoke, thermal differentials) as well as the same type of buttons, sirens, light sirens and addressable fire detection panel. The main feature of addressable fire detection systems is that the detectors of each type as well as the buttons are distributed in one or at most two fire detection loops that can be connected to each of up to 150 devices (detectors, buttons, etc.). In case of fire detection, the alarm indicators in the fire detection panel refer to the specific detector that has been activated and therefore it is possible to determine with absolute accuracy the point of occurrence of the fire. This system may include special software that is used both for programming the system and for its complete remote monitoring via computer or even mobile phone. Addressable fire detection systems are recommended for large areas with many apartments (hotels, large warehouse buildings, large office buildings, factories, hospitals, school buildings, etc.).

addressable fire detection systems
Addressable Fire Detection Systems: Click this image to zoom
addressable smoke detectors
Addressable Smoke Detectors: Click this image to zoom
beam smoke detectors
Beam Smoke Detectors: Click this image to zoom

Explosive Gas Detection Systems

These systems include a microprocessor explosive gas detection panel and 16 usually inputs for connecting 4-20 mA gas detectors; with conventional fire detection systems.

These systems are mainly used in areas where there are dangerous explosives or toxic poisonous gases which in case of leakage can either cause damage to health or create explosion conditions in case the gas content in the air exceeds certain limits and at the same time there is an accidental occurrence spark. The substances that can be detected are natural gas, all liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, ethylene, benzene, various solvents - volatile substances (VOCS), ethyl alcohol (alcohol), monoxide. and carbon dioxide, or ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide, hydrocyanic hydrogen chloride, monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide.

explosive gas detection systems
Explosive Gas Detection Systems: Click this image to zoom
lpg detectors
Lpg - Gas - Detector: Click this image to zoom
explosive gas detectors
Gas Detector: Click this image to zoom
waterproof explosive gas detectors
Waterproof Gas Detector: Click this image to zoom

Water Εxtinguishing Systems with fire cabinets and automatic fire water pumps

These types of installations are also called permanent water extinguishing systems and include a well-calculated piping network for the distribution of water to the places where water is supplied for extinguishing, fire nests with special fire hoses and special valves for quick connection to the fire extinguishing network, permanent water supply source (usually water tank of suitable capacity), automatic water pump fire extinguishing pressure unit with pressure vessel and usually three water pumps (electric main pump, diesel main pump for operation in case of power failure - electric pump) ), special tap for connection with pipes of Firefighting Vehicles of the Fire Service.

Permanent water extinguishing systems are used as central fire extinguishing systems in large buildings (industries, warehouses, hotels, public halls, department stores, supermarkets, indoor and outdoor stadiums, etc.) and are suitable for extinguishing most types of fires other than fires in petroleum fuels, phosphorus, sulfur, naphthalene and camphor. They are also not considered completely safe for fires where there are electrical installations under voltage or fires where there are large surface burnt metals or fires where very high temperatures can develop or even fires from materials that can swell or hold a lot of water (cotton, smoke, etc.).

The choice or not of this system as a repressive means in a building or installation lies in the knowledge and experience of the competent mechanical engineer who will prepare the study as the current legislation is not complete in this matter.

water extinguishing systems installations
Water Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom
fire cabinets
Fire Cabinets: Click this image to zoom
fire water pumps installations
Fire Water Pumps Installations: Click this image to zoom
extinguishing water pipes installations
Extinguishing Water Pipes Installations: Click this image to zoom
extinguishing systems fire cabinets
Extinguishing Systems Fire Cabinets: Click this image to zoom

Water Εxtinguishing Systems with sprinklers and automatic fire water pumps

Installations of this type are called automatic sprinkler extinguishing systems and include a properly calculated piping network, which develops on the roofs of the building and serves to distribute water to the places where water is supplied for extinguishing, sprinklers permanently connected to the distribution network, permanent water supply (usually water tank of suitable capacity), automatic water pump fire extinguishing pressure unit with pressure vessel and three usually water pumps (electric main pump, diesel main pump for operation in case of power failure and electric auxiliary pump - jockey), faucet connecting to pipes of Firefighting Vehicles of the Fire Service.

Automatic water extinguishing systems and sprinklers are used as central fire extinguishing systems in large buildings (industries, warehouses, hotels, public halls, department stores, supermarkets, indoor and outdoor stadiums, etc.) and are suitable for extinguishing most types of fires other than fires in petroleum fuels, phosphorus, sulfur, naphthalene and camphor. They are also not considered completely safe for fires where there are electrical installations under voltage or fires where there are large surface burnt metals or fires where very high temperatures can be developed or even fires from materials that can swell or hold a lot of water (cotton, smoke, etc.).

The choice or not of this system as a repressive means in a building or installation lies in the knowledge and experience of the competent mechanical engineer who will prepare the study as the current legislation is not complete in this matter.

sprinkler fire extinguisher installations
Sprinkler Fire Extinguisher Installations: Click this image to zoom
Sprinkler: Click this image to zoom
water extinguishing sprinkler systems
Water Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom

CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Εxtinguishing Systems with dry powder extinguishers and sprinklers

These systems consist of carbon dioxide-containing steel cylinders which are connected in parallel to a central manifold of a heavy-duty pipe (seamless schedule tube 40 or even schedule 80,) detonator, a properly calculated piping network, developed in roofs of the building, and is used for the distribution of carbon dioxide in the places where the supply is provided for extinguishing, special CO2 jet nozzles permanently connected to the distribution network, special fire detection system for activating the extinguishing system with fire extinguisher and fire extinguisher - thermal differentials in two separate intersecting zones so that the system can be activated only in case of real fire where both fire detector zones will have been activated. The number of bottles of the system depends on the size and the pyrothermal load of the space to be protected.

The action of CO2 in extinguishing fires is due to the displacement from the burning space of oxygen that is necessary for combustion. CO2 extinguishing systems are suitable for extinguishing all types of fire, but are mainly used for areas where fire can occur and the facilities inside them to remain under electrical voltage (substation areas, power plants of buildings and industries) as well as and in areas where there are highly flammable substances that in case of fire extinguishing with water systems is not recommended.

carbon dioxide extinguishing systems
Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom
co2 extinguishing systems
CO2 Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom
co2 extinguishing systems sprinkler
CO2 Extinguishing Systems Sprinkler: Click this image to zoom
sprinkler co2
Sprinkler CO2: Click this image to zoom
extinguishing panels
Extinguishing Panels: Click this image to zoom

Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Systems type local fire extinguishing fire for application in professional kitchen hopper

These systems are used as fire extinguishers in hoppers of professional kitchens in restaurants, hotel kitchens, kebab shops, grills, pizzerias, grills, taverns, kitchens of ready-to-eat food preparation units, etc.

Topical systems always include one or more (depending on the size of the hopper) specially connected special fire extinguishers with Wet Chemical extinguishing material as well as special equipment (depending on their type) for activating the system as well as draining the extinguishing material (one-zone fire detection panel , heat-sensitive detectors with fusible, special ropes, buttons, distribution pipes, linear temperature detection cable, fire extinguishers, detonator, automatically activated by the local extinguishing system solenoid valve for stopping the gas supply to the gas appliances of the professional kitchen, etc.).

wet chemical fire suppression
Wet Chemical Fire Suppression: Click this image to zoom
wet chemical fire systems
Wet chemical FireExtinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom

Fire Extinguishing Installation with IG-541 suitable for extinguishing fires in sensitive areas

such as areas of telephone exchanges, computers - data room, vulnerable devices, machines, etc.

IG-541 is a mixture of Nitrogen (52%), Crude (40%) and Carbon Dioxide (8%) and is odorless, colorless and non-corrosive. The action of IG-541 in extinguishing fires is due to the displacement from the burning space of oxygen that is necessary for combustion.

The IG-541 systems consist of high pressure steel cylinders containing this extinguishing material which are connected in parallel to a central manifold of an overweight pipe (seamless tumbling pipe schedule 40 or even schedule 80,) detonator, properly calculated piping network, which develops on the roofs of the building and serves to distribute the extinguishing material in the places where fire extinguishing is provided, special extinguishing nozzles of the extinguishing material permanently connected to the distribution network, special fire detection system to activate the fire extinguishing system fire extinguishers andaddressable addressable smoke detectors and thermo-differentials in two separate intersecting zones so that the system can be activated only in case of real fire where both fire detection zones will have been activated.

The number of bottles in the system depends on the size of the space to be protected.

data room fire extinguishing
Data Room Fire Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom
machines fire extinguishing systems
Machines Fire Extinguishing Systems: Click this image to zoom

Anadrasi, in addition to the planning of Fire Safety Systems, also provides the required equipment (simple and addressable fire detection systems, fire detectors, explosive gas detectors, fire detection panels, fire extinguishers, automatic pump water pressure systems, sprinkler, automatic fire extinguishing systems - local application for kitchens with Wet Chemical extinguishing material, automatic CO2 total extinguishing systems, automatic total flood systems IG-541 etc. ), which have been selected based on our many years of knowledge and experience, in order to truly meet what our customers are looking for:


thus providing a complete solution of Fire Safety Installation to each customer with the guarantee, responsibility and reliability of a company with over 35 years in the field of Fire Safety.

Anadrasihas gained recognition in the field of Fire Safety Installations through a significant number of fire safety projects that it has to show from 1986 until today.

The customers of Anadrasi are companies of all kinds (industrial, commercial, tourist, service, technical and construction companies, professionals) who have trusted Anadrasi all these years and stable, long term relationships of trust have been built.